品牌 |
单价 |
3800.00元/ |
起订 |
供货总量 |
所在地 |
上海 |
发货期限 |
自买家付款之日起 天内发货 |
规格 | 8# | 材质 | Q235 |
产地/厂家 | 唐钢 | 类型 | 冷弯等边槽钢 |
品名 | 槽钢 |
主营规格:5#(50*37*4.5)、6.3#、8#、10#、12#、14a(b)#、16 a(b)#、18 a(b)#、20a(b)#、22 a(b)#、25 a(bc)#、28 a(bc)#、30 a(bc)#、36 a(bc)#、40a(bc)#......
槽钢是截面为凹槽形的长条钢材。其规格以腰高(h)*腿宽(b)*腰厚(d)的毫米数表示,如120*53*5,表示腰高为120毫米,腿宽为53毫米的槽钢,腰厚为5毫米的槽钢,或称12#槽钢。腰高相同的槽钢,如有几种不同的腿宽和腰厚也需在型号右边加ab c 予以区别,如25a# 25b# 25c#等。
槽钢分普通槽钢和轻型槽钢。热轧普通槽钢的规格为5-40#。经供需双方协议供应的热轧变通槽钢规格为6.5-30#。槽钢主要用于建筑结构、车辆制造和其它工业结构,槽钢还常常和工字钢配合使用。 槽钢按形状又可分为4种:冷弯等边槽钢、冷弯不等边槽钢、冷弯内卷边槽钢、冷弯外卷边槽钢
主要产地 我国主要是包钢、莱钢、武钢、马钢、保定普瑞钢铁等几家钢厂生产
联系人:蔡先生 电话:
channel steel:
main production process for hot rolling beam. mainly for steelstructure engineering, mechanical manufacturing, etc.
the main brands: q235, ss400 was simulated...
custom brand: q345, sm490......
main specifications: # 5 (50 * * * * * 4.5 6.3), 37, 8 # # # # 10,12, 14, a (b) # 16 a, (b) #, 18 a (b) #, 20 a (b) #, 22 a (b) #, 25a (b c) # 28, a (b c) #, 30 a (b c) #, 36 a (b c) #, 40 a (b c)#......
main length: 6 meters, 9 m and 12 m...
channel steel is section for the steel strip shape groove. thespecifications to waist height (h) * legs wide (b) * waist thick(d), such as the number of mm said 120 * and * 5, said the waistheight is 120 mm wide, and the legs for 53 mm of channel steel,waist thick for 5 mm of channel steel, or called 12 # channels.waist high the same channel steel, such as there are severaldifferent width and waist leg thick also need to add a b in modelright shall be difference, such as c 25 a # 25 b # 25 c #,etc.
channel steel points commonchannel steel and light channels. the specifications of the channelsteel rolling average for 5-40 #. the agreement between the supplyand demand of the supply of hot rolling flexible specifications for6.5-channel steel 30 #. mainly used for building structure, channelsteel vehicle manufacturing and other industrial structure, channelsteel often and beams to cooperate to use. channel steel accordingto shape and can be divided into 4 kinds: cold bending equilateralchannels, cold bending not equal sides channels, in cold bendingedge channels, the cold bending edge channels
the main producing area of our country main is baotou, laigang,maanshansteel, baoding purui the steel several steel production
according to client needs, can weigh in supply, door to doordelivery.
the company the good faith management! another large profiles andplate supply!!!!! detailed please inquire price.
contact: mr. cai , please call
企业类型 | 企业单位 () | 经营模式 | ||
成立日期 | 2003 | 主营行业 |
注册资本 | 未填写 | 注册地址 | 上海 上海市奉贤区南桥镇环城东路1019号 | |
销售的产品 | 欧标H型钢HEA , HEB , HEM系列 , 欧标工字钢:IPE , IPN系列 , 欧标槽钢:UPN , UPE系列 , 欧标钢板:S235JR , S275JR , S355JR , 德标H型钢DIN系列 , 美标槽钢:C3-C15系列 , MC系列 , 美标H型钢:W系列 | 采购的产品 | ||
经营范围 | 钢材、电焊条、五金交电、电子产品、机电设备、化工产品(除危险化学品、监控化学品、烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品、易制毒化学品)、建材批发、零售,从事货物进出口及技术进出口业务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 |